Mother, wife, founder, leader, lover of longevity.

There was something *I discovered*

It wasn’t something I was taught, it came as a breakthrough that changed me from the inside out. As I was healing from cancer, I tapped into something I’d not felt before; a frequency, an inner wisdom, a source of conviction that created inexplicable magic within me. I felt my body awaken and with it, an energetic match for what I *really* wanted and how to go out and create it.

I want to show all sides of a woman, and how a woman feels in her body and how it directly impacts every aspect of life.

For the multi-passionate, go against the grain, intuitively seeking new solutions women. BECAUSE you’re here to align and COMMIT to more of who you want to be in your body with money and with love.

Executive Coaching and Mentoring like you’ve never experienced it before.

think.. the Charlotte Tilbury of the coaching world.. to “unlock the magic within

I spent the first 30 years searching for a hero to save me. Then another 10 discovering the hero had been in me all along. Now I’m living life according to my own philosophy; find the love and longevity frequency and feed it to sustain a life and legacy to be proud of.

The Inner Game

What do I do?

My ambition is to be the Charlotte Tilbury of personal development so you can unlock your own magic within. When you know who you are and what you’re capable of you can achieve any result. I equip you with the skills and strategy and show you what your body is capable of when you work in harmony rather than at war.

I know when your body is functioning as it should, you can literally create all the results, I learnt this from having cancer. I stumbled across my philosophy by putting my body first when I needed it the most. What I didn’t expect was the impact (for the better) on the rest of my life.

The food you eat directly impacts your energy. To change your energy, understanding what specific food is bringing you down and what is raising you up is the first critical step. I’ve seen countless women try to skip this step, getting caught up in fad diets or trends that never last. Weight may be lost in the short term but nothing is learned. Our body is smart, it adapts, it conceals but is also is your greatest ally.

Who don’t I talk about cooking or diets?

I famously don’t like cooking, and I don’t believe in diets. A diet is something you’re ‘on’, therefore you’ve got to come ‘off’ at some point. It messes with your body, puts you into fight/flight/freeze and creates too much inner chaos. Longevity is not about a diet, it’s about who you’re being around food. When it comes to cooking, I can and I do, but my strength is in how the food is feeling, spotting your specific superfood and getting as much of the magical, energy giving ingredients into your daily routine as you can.

what about business?

I’m a qualified business coach (plus health, life and TCM (NLP)) but qualifications only go so far. It’s lived experience that sets me apart. I’ve a 20 year career in retail and hospitality culminating in head of Communications for a £2 billion business, I’ve a masters degree in leadership and strategy and I’ve been running my own business for the last 10 years. I’ve run vast teams and massive events and now I choose not to have a team so I can flex and move fast, I might one day but right now I love being just me.

I know that business is about many things that all start with self belief. And when you have that, the rest is easy.

what make me.. me?

I’m a Yorkshire native who adores getting older because 12 years ago I thought my number was up. Change is a tricky thing yet when you’re faced with something like that, it feels easy. I changed everything and loved bigger than ever before. I’m a mum, wife, business owner and marathon runner. I discovered oysters at 53, go to France as often as I can and have run the New York marathon multiple times. I believe in longevity, no restrictions and a whole host of belief.. it’s what makes the world go round.