The stark reality is..
You’re searching for the HOW whilst forgetting the WHO. You’re *this* close to figuring out what makes life work for you, then something comes along to throw you off course.
You know, if you change nothing, the search for the solution will remain in the blame game of life. You have a choice to make, do you play stick or twist?
Stick lets you off the hook and lets you stay *exactly* where you are now, the place where success feels limited.
Twist puts you back in touch with the very essence of who you are and how you operate whilst opening the door to a life yet unknown, full of energy, opportunity and the art of mastering your success. Because when you feed your frequency, fear and scarcity can’t exist.
It’s time to stop. Make a choice and lead with the 7 universal truths of the body.
Every successful outcome already lives here.
And your body holds the key to them all.
The problem is you’ve been taught to fight against this, you think you’re doing everything right yet you feel sluggish, disconnected, frustrated and lacking the results you’re working so hard to get.
When you align with the 7 universal truths of the body, you tap into your own natural frequency of success. It means your energy is bubbling, your body feels alive, your actions are fueled with possibility and the connection you feel to your own powers of creation are next level.
This isn’t about working harder. It’s knowing how to feed your frequency for the life you’re creating now. .
Your body isn’t broken, it’s brilliant. It’s not just about what you do, it’s about who you become when your body works with you, rather than against. The 7 universal truths are not time consuming, don’t put you on a ‘diet’ hamster wheel and are as far away from ‘life hack’ or trend biohacking you can get. It requires no injections, chemicals, cooking skill or mass clear outs. It’s not part of the ‘eat this, don’t eat this’ culture. This is aligning your thoughts and energy with your body’s universal truths.
Your body isn’t broken.
it’s brilliant.
It does, however, require you to leave what you think you know about your body at the door, be willing to practice new habits, get okay with the discomfort of the uncomfortable and understand there's resistance in change, even if it’s change of the good kind.
Simplicity is crucial. Your brain will want complex because complex is the hiding place that keeps us safe. Within these 7 universal truths of the body lies your new safety, as you create more balance and connection within your body, the safer the simplicity will feel. Simplicity creates longevity you will love.
Over the course of 4 weeks I will teach you the 7 truths of:
Energy and alignment. Everything in your body is energy. You’ll feel the low vibes of a foggy brain, cravings and mood swings. Align your thoughts, nutrition and movement and your energy shifts. Your body whispers when it’s out of sync, this truth teaches you the language your body needs you to hear.
Transformation. Your body is designed to change. Your cells regenerate, your energy transforms. What you put in becomes the mirror. You’re always in transformation mode, this truth gives you the power to decide new directions.
Rhythm and cycles. Your body operates in cycles. When you fight against them, you feel like you’re losing. Hormonal shifts, aging, energy are all rhythms. This truth teaches you the power of honouring the season, be it lion or sloth, both are part of thriving.
Perspective. You are not a comparison chart. What feels good, what works, what lasts, that's you.
Contrast. Your body and emotions thrive on balance. Stress + recovery. Hunger + nourishment. Hope + Despair. When you embrace both, growth happens. This truth gives you the inner power to appreciate the highs so you can learn from and respect the lows.
Responsibility. Your body reflects your choices. Every action has a reaction. You are the cause of your reality and when you live in this truth you own your results.
Creation. Work with feminine energetics to bring your life force out into the open creating exceptional results. Thought + life force = creation.
Why This Program is Different
There's no goal setting, no meal plans, no punishing regimes and definitely no weigh-ins.
When you connect to your body, you connect to an inner wisdom desperate to guide you. Some call in intuition, I call it just who you are.
When you follow the 7 universal truths of your body, you create more than possibility, you’re opening up energy frequencies that let you attract what you *really* want.
You step out of stuck, heavy and tired and into awake, clean and ready.
how to feed your frequency
There's no goal setting, no meal plans, no punishing regimes and definitely no weigh-ins.
When you connect to your body, you connect to an inner wisdom desperate to guide you. Some call in intuition, I call it just who you are.
When you follow the 7 universal truths of your body, you create more than possibility, you’re opening up energy frequencies that let you attract what you really want.
You step out of stuck, heavy and tired and into awake, clean and ready.
Through a blend of practical and actionable steps that enable you to uncover hidden beliefs that have stopped you connecting to your body thus far, this program creates space, energy and frequency; with the 7 universal truths of your body you become ageless.
You’ll get the knowledge, the understanding and the methodology to make each step your own.
I have watched countless women try to skip this part, being drawn to the quick wins - doing things to their body; fad diets, destructive habits, surface level change, rather than being back in their body. Living in your frequency changes who you are at a cellular level. It’s not just how your body feels that’s reflected back to you with your life, it’s what you’re capable of that takes on a whole new meaning.
Meet Frieda
I believe in body first. When our body is in full frequency, we can achieve anything. Frieda has been designed to help you feed your frequency. She’s primed with *only* my methodology therefore can guide you and learn with you. This is not just another ChatGPT bot, Frieda is a private space dedicated to my clients, my platform and my methodology. Ask her anything and she’ll guide you using the proven strategies I’ve created.
the structure
🗝️ Week 1: The Truth of Energy and Alignment
Understand how your body holds and shifts energy—and how to align your thoughts, nutrition, and movement to increase your energetic vibration.
🗝️ Week 2: The Truth of Cycles and Rhythms
Learn to honor your body’s natural cycles—hormones, energy levels, and seasons—so you can stop pushing against the current and start working in flow.
🗝️ Week 3: The Truth of Transformation
Discover how your body is always changing and renewing itself—and how your daily choices create the results you see and feel.
🗝️ Week 4: The Truth of Creation and Balance
Master the art of living in your life force. Learn to create sustainable health and energy by balancing thought with life force. It’s how you create the life you’re living now.
the container
As a hybrid 4 week program, we have the perfect blend of private 1:1 mentoring each week (4 in total plus an onboarding call), support via Telegram Monday-Thursday and a library of my guidance, methodology and strategy.
We’ve eaten and consumed the same way for years, we’ve got really good at it and our body has got even better at dealing with whatever we throw its way. This process unwinds the misgivings of the past and sets you up for a magical future, one where the emotional wall has been broken down and the norms of aging have been radically changed.
Weekly 1:1 private mentoring
Daily mentorship with Alex Tuesday - Thursday support via Telegram
My strategy through the Feed Your Frequency Vault.
who is this for?
the women ready to play a new game
This program is for women who are ready to play a new game. To lean into all their body has to offer, to have it as their ally to achieve success that has so far felt out of reach. I believe in the truth that our body holds the key to everything we do in life, it is our home , our wisdom and our life force. It’s for women who want to understand how to optimise their energy, to step out of victim culture and take responsibility for how they operate.
I’m not for everyone, I’m direct, I teach in truth to show you yours. I have done the training, both in and out of the classroom and I believe anyone can achieve anything when they have their body on their side.
Feed Your Frequency® is foundational, it’s for women ready to create an exceptional life.
A shift on a cellular level. Energy, thought, emotion, action.
what to expect
Your body as your ally- speaking the same language.
Comparisons no more- it’s you + you.
Create in your frequency with conviction, rewriting old news.
i’m alex
It was one of those stories; tragically lost my mum to cancer when I was 15, whole family disappeared the grief was too much, I worked from 16 whilst putting myself through college and university, fell in love (a few times), had an outstanding career, a family, beautifully renovated house, cars on the drive…but nothing filled the gap. The reality was a hard truth to speak out loud, so cancer did it for me. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 42, I’d just seperated from my husband, my daughter was 4, I was in 6 figure debt and I hated the house I’d just spent thousands on.
I had a chance to play a different game, to rewrite old stories, to shift on a cellular level and to become the woman I knew I was capable of. I spent the 18 months recovering from cancer facing my demons, learning how to do it differently by tapping into my inner wisdom and finding the frequency where it all made sense.
I went back to my career as Head of Communication for a £2 billion business, with my masters degree in leadership and strategy, knowing I had more to give, a bigger purpose and I knew it had to start in my body. The day I said goodbye to the company that had educated me and kept me safe when I needed it most, I was stepping into the unknown.
The journey wasn’t easy, but worth every bit of discomfort. My work is deep, personal and transformative. I put your body back onto a timeline that gets you where you want to go. I love what I do, I love the joy, connection and trust that never fails to get results.
my credentials
I have a successful business background in sales and communication. I have been part of some unbelievably exciting projects creating new events and hospitality brands across the UK, breaking records and winning industry awards. I have organised events for thousands of people, broken sales records personally and developed and trained some of the best hospitality managers in the UK. I have a masters degree in leadership and strategy, was accepted onto a PHD program (breast cancer got in the way) and am a qualified business coach to level 7. I hold certifications in health coaching, life coaching and TCM coaching at mastery level.
For all of my degrees and qualifications, my life experience has taught me more than I could ever of imagined. I lost my parents young, emotionally shut down for years, got married, divorced, married and divorced until I worked out what love was all about (I got married, and have remained that way). I had IVF to have my daughter, was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 42 twice and navigated a messy menopause. I lived in pure masculine energy for a really long time, it felt like safety. It was when I opened up the portal to my feminine that my life radically changed.
I teach what I live by, how I’ve become the woman in business, marriage and motherhood that feels true to me.
4 weeks.
Onboarding 90 minute call
Weekly private 1:1 mentoring call
Unlimited access to Frieda
Telegram support 4 days per week (Monday - Thursday)